Residence Check Request

Residence Check

A request can be submitted to the department to have patrol officers check a residence while you are away on extended leave. This check will be performed nightly as long as an officer is available to perform the check based on call volume, calls for service and additional patrol functions 

Your residence will be checked nightly to observe the following:

  • Are doors/windows locked?
  • Are there damages to your home?
  • Are there damages to vehicles parked on the driveway or curb?
  • Are there any suspicious circumstances? (i.e. door/window ajar, side gate open, etc.)

Vacation Home Security Tips

An empty house is a tempting target for a burglar, so do your best to have your home look occupied while you're away. Here are a few tips to do so:

  • Don't pack your vehicle the night before as it provides potential thieves an irresistible target.
  • Don't leave public messages on social media sites indicating that you're out of town.
  • Valuables should not be visible through the windows and doors of your home.
  • Stop all deliveries or arrange for someone to pick up your mail, newspapers, and packages.
  • Program your interior lights so that they activate periodically in the evening hours.
  • Consider purchasing renter's insurance that will replace your possessions if they're stolen.

If you return home and something looks questionable (i.e. a slit screen, broken window, or open door) do not go inside. Call 911 from a safe location.

Complete the following form to be contacted by a member of the department

Residence Check Form